Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Using Music to Drive Away Undesirables + January Postings Reprised

A. Using Music to Drive Away Undesirables

1. "Music to drive away tube louts"
"Tube bosses intend to use recordings of Pavarotti recitals, Vivaldi and
 Mozart in a battle against anti-social behaviour at 35 stations on the
 District, East London, Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City lines"

2. "Cliff helps to clear pubs"
"Landlords have found the best way to get rid of drinkers at closing time
 at Christmas is to play a Cliff Richard song"

3. "Meatloaf sees off wild boars"
"Serbian villagers are blaring out rock music 24 hours a day in a bid to
 stop wild boars destroying their crops"

4. "Noises drive flying foxes batty"
"Lawn mowers and stock whips have frightened off nuisance fruit bats at
 one of the Northern Territory's premier tourist spots"

B. January Postings Reprised

[S. American Art Collection]
* "Artist glues 2,000 snails to church"
"A Chilean artist has glued 2,000 plastic snails to a church to promote
 her new exhibition"
* "Artist covers herself with raw meat"
"A Chilean performance artist is causing controversy by covering her naked
 body with raw meat"

[Cruel Baby Names]
* "Yahoo! baby revealed as hoax"
"An off-beat news story that did the rounds recently was a Romanian couple
 naming their child 'Yahoo!' to express their joy at having first met over
 the Internet"

[Strange But True]
* "Twins make same mistake on test"
"Identical twin brothers have passed their driving tests after making the
 same mistake with the same examiner"