Friday, July 4, 2003

Babe, I'm On Fire

To coincide with the release of the latest single from Nick Cave and
the Bad Seeds, "Babe, I'm On Fire", here are some items with an
incendiary theme.

1. "Pants On Fire"

2. "Drinker set himself on fire while drinking 96 proof vodka"

3. "Patient having op on backside breaks wind, causing fire"

4. "Man badly burnt on operating table"

5. "Patient's 'face ignited' in surgery"

6. "Man sets himself and house on fire tackling wasps"

7. "Boy who was burned trying to kill fire ants OK"

8. "Poulsbo Teen Burned While Trying To Destroy Tent Caterpillars"

9. "Rialto man starting a barbecue set off a fire, officials say"