Thursday, January 27, 2005

Oops, Wrong House

1. "Demolition crew tears down wrong house"
"House numbers in the southwest Phoenix neighborhood are not well-marked
 and all the mailboxes sit on one side of the street, making identification

2. "Builders knocked down wrong wall"
"Building workers failed to realise that the wall they wanted to remove was
 also the outside wall of the neighbouring building"

3. "Company removes roof of wrong house"
"Roofer David Whitlow and his crew were half-finished tearing off the roof
 of a Seminole Heights home when he received a disturbing call from his
 office. They were at the wrong house"

4. "Man finds roofers stripping his roof instead of neighbor's"  [expired link]
"Imagine coming home and finding a contractor stripping off your roof and
 you never hired him. It happened in Amity Harbor, Long Island, on Dec. 18
 to Jim Sullivan"

5. "Shakespeare tourists view wrong house -- for 200 years"
"The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust said on Wednesday that research proves
 beyond a doubt that the Bard's mother grew up at Glebe Farm, not the
 property currently called Mary Arden's House, which is located just 50
 yards (50 metres) away in Wilmcote, a little village outside Stratford
 -upon-Avon in England"

6. "Intruders break into wrong house, apologise"
"Armed intruders broke into a family's house in Britain, only to apologise
 and leave again, having realised they intended to beat someone up next
 door instead"

7. "Home invaders got the wrong house"
"Ottawa police say it was a case of mistaken identity"

8. "Gifts left at wrong house"
"Wootten says the gifts are clearly meant for young girls. She's contacted
 LDS bishops, neighbors, police and fire departments, the United Way and
 city council members, but no one is claiming the gifts"