1. Despair, Inc: Demotivators Calendars a. The New Demotivators 2004 Calendar <http://www.despair.com/2004calendar.html> Featuring the monthly themes: * Achievement * Ambition * Change * Discovery * Dreams * Nepotism * Persistence * Potential * Power * Retirement * Success * Teamwork b. Demotivators 2004 Classic Calendar <http://www.despair.com/year20cal.html> Featuring the "classic" themes: * Agony * Apathy * Defeat * Failure * Futility * Ineptitude * Losing * Mediocrity * Mistakes * Pessimism * Procrastination * Stupidity c. Demotivators: Increasing Success by Lowering Expectations <http://www.despair.com/demotivators/indem.html> Has links to themes from past calendars 2. Mullets of Technology 2004 Calendar <http://www.lulu.com/mulletcalendar> --- Google This ... Go to google.com, type in "miserable failure" and hit "I'm feeling lucky". Or just use the shortcut below: <http://www.google.com/search?q=%22miserable+failure%22&btnI=x>
Monday, December 8, 2003
Posted by Bruno at 10:58am