Friday, December 10, 2004

Stolen Street Signs

1. "Universal sign theft disrupts Hawkins tributes"
"In total, council has been forced to replace five signs at a cost of
 $250 each and Lake Macquarie Mayor Greg Piper says he has had enough"

2. "Thief alert sign stolen"
"A sign warning drivers that thieves were in the area has been stolen"

3. "Caution: sign thieves are at large"
"Some students -- yes, even the goodie-two-shoes at Yale -- adorn their
 rooms with street signs of all shapes and sizes, which they have stolen
 from New Haven sites or hometown locales"

4. "'High Street' sign is among most stolen"
"Besides High Street, the University Street and Westward Ho Avenue signs
 are also frequently stolen"

5. "Weed Road sign repeatedly stolen"  [expired link]
"The street signs at both ends of Weed Road have been stolen at least
 five times this summer"

6. "Thousands of street signs stolen in Tallapoosa County"
"A county list shows thousands of street signs reported missing over the
 last three years. More than 500 were recorded just since October"

7. "Stolen signs in West Dorset"
"Over the past three weeks up to 100 village name, speed restriction and
 warning signs have been stolen from villages and roads south of the A35"