Thursday, June 10, 2004

Get Educated

1. "Indiana U. offers class on reality TV"

2. "German college offers course on finding life partner"

3. "School teaches girls how to be perfect wives"  [Mexico]

4. "University offers surfing diploma"
"Southern Cross University (SCU) is offering the diploma in Sports Management
 (Surfing Studies) at its Tweed Gold Coast campus, just metres from some of
 the best breaks in Australia and minutes down the highway from tourist hot
 spot Surfers Paradise"

5. "Board approves surfing as high school sport"  [Hawaii]

6. "Spanish students' party polls top marks"
"A Spanish school teacher will give his whole class top marks after a political
 party they formed to explore how democracy works won nearly 70,000 votes in
 the recent general election"

7. "Canadians turn out for laughter classes"

8. "Out there: a few unusual courses to consider"

9. "Offbeat ways to pay for college"
"Scholarships offered for left-handed people, students named Zolp, and Trekkies
 who speak Klingon"