I haven't been able to post much lately. Here are a few time-wasters that should keep you busy for a while ... 1. iPod Flea <http://www.layersmagazine.com/features/feature_cs2/flea.htm> [Huge] QuickTime movie, a parody of Apple iPods. 2. Moby Blaster <http://jonah.bigidea.com/html/arcade/moby_blaster/moby_blaster.dcr> A Breakout clone [Shockwave]. 3. Notepad Invaders <http://robmanuel.blogspot.com/2005/02/notepad-invaders.html> A version of Space Invaders. I managed 15530 points before the sounds got too annoying. 4. Mergeroids <http://www.globalarcade.org/mergeroid/game.html> Asteroids with a political bent. 5. Snow Storm <http://www.onlineflashgamez.com/?action=playgame&gameid=159> Make like Homer J. Simpson and clear snow from the parking lot. 6. Planarity <http://www.planarity.net/index.php?size=small> A thinking game: arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap. I completed level 7, scoring 2071 points, then got bored. 7. Test your geography: * European Geography Level 3 <http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/country_europe_G2_drag-drop.html> My score: 40/45 89%, average error=29 miles, time=362 seconds * Asian Geography Level 3 <http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/country_Asia_G2_drag-drop.html> My score: 27/32 84% 8. Infocom Adventures <http://www.xs4all.nl/~pot/infocom/> Play Infocom Adventures online [require Java]. These were big when I got my first computer, but I was never into them. 9. The Hitchhiker Adventure Game - 20th Anniversary Edition <http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game_nolan.shtml> Requires Flash. 10. Calculator Words <http://www.langmaker.com/calculatorwords.htm> Learn a "language" consisting of English written with the digits of a calculator.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Posted by Bruno at 5:06pm