Monday, April 25, 2005

404 Fun

"Webmasters get creative with '404 Error' pages"
"Defunct Web pages and mistyped URLs generally deliver error messages that are
 as dull as dirt. But a growing cadre of witty webmasters opt to make light of
 AWOL Web pages. Instead of displaying the standard '404 Error File Not Found,'
 they dole out a dose of humor instead"

The 404 Research Lab
A site dedicated to "404" pages, including Area 404:
"Links to the best 404 Not Found errors on the web, researched and categorized
 for your surfing enjoyment"
History of 404:

A selection of possibly humorous 404 pages:
* Inspired by Marvin from H2G2?
* Website Error Message 42
* Wha Chu Talkin 'Bout Willis?
* Ransom Note
* File Not Found Haiku
* Play Zork (a text adventure game from the 80s)
* Newsflash
* Eyechart
* Flowchart
* The 404 Band
* Philosophical
* Error - You have spent too much time on the net