Reviews of books read last month: four non-fiction books and a novel. 1. "The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking" by Oliver Burkeman <> Despite appearances of affluence, many people in the "first" world don't seem to be happy enough. There is no shortage of books and seminars from self-help gurus on how to get happier. The author of "The Antidote" argues that the popular "cult of optimism", backed by egotism and materialism, don't appear to be that effective. Burkeman thinks he has the answer to why a relentless focus on positive thinking doesn't work. Asking an unhappy person to only think positive thoughts and suppress any negative thoughts is bound to fail. "The Antidote" opens with a quote from Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute". The difficulty of thought suppression is backed up by research studies, for example: < what-do-polar-bears-and-social-faux-pas-have-in-common/> The author proposes a counterintuitive approach to achieving happiness: we need to accept that failure, uncertainty and death are a normal part of life. The book looks at practitioners of so-called "negative paths" to happiness. Recent research seems to support aspects of age-old approaches such as ancient Stoicism and Buddhist teaching. He also asks a philosophical question which most self-help masters prefer to gloss over: who exactly is the "self" in need of help or improvement? This is not an easy question to answer, other than perhaps we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. The author admits there is no single answer to achieving happiness. Instead he describes "negative" approaches to happiness that seem to work. One such negative approach is the ancient philosophy of Stoicism. In particular, the concept of "negative visualisation" or "the premeditation of evils", suggests that when facing something difficult, thinking about the worst-case scenario can actually help us remain realistic and reduce anxiety about the future. We should be open to failure or uncertainty. Note that the modern day definition of a stoic, "one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain" ( provides an erroneous view of ancient Stoicism. See the notes after the reviews for more about ancient Stoic philosophy. The book then discusses Buddhism, which teaches meditation and non- attachment. Allowing negative thoughts and emotions to pass through our minds without judgment, we can accept what is happening and move on. "All our distress arises from trying to scramble to solid ground that doesn't actually exist... becoming a Buddhist is about becoming homeless" (Pema Chödrön, American Buddhist nun). Other religious thinkers echo similar ideas. "The truth that many people never understand is that the more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt" (Thomas Merton, Catholic monk and writer). Modern psychology supports the importance of acceptance (for example, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Another "negative" path is memento mori. Life is impermanent, and thinking about death can actually spur us to focus on doing what is important to us. This reminded me of a quote from Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford commencement speech: "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important thing I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." Overall, a refreshing approach to the ongoing puzzle of human happiness. The use of anecdotes, interviews, philosophy and current research makes a compelling case for rethinking our approach to happiness. For the time-challenged: * An overview article by the author: < of-negative-thinking.html?_r=0> * A brief intro video: <> * Burkeman's RSA talk: <> 2. "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine" by Michael Lewis <> The author was a bonds trader for a brief time in the 1980s. His 1990 tell-all book on the excesses and misdeeds of bonds market firms, "Liar's Poker" caused a storm. Since then he's been a financial journalist and author of other books. "The Big Short" is his summary of the recent Global Financial Crisis, and what a compelling story it is. It's packed with heroes, villains, anti-heroes and not-so-innocent bystanders who let it all happen. The book reads a bit like a novel as it describes events as they unfolded. The seeds were sewn during the excesses of the 1980s and flamed by the easy credit of the 1990s. The post-9/11 quantitive easing and relaxed regulation by government agencies stoked the fires even further, as investment banks looked for more ways to make money from other people's money. After saturating the market with mortgages to borrowers having good collateral, mortgage lenders dramatically softened lending practices, allowing so-called NINJA loans to people with "no income, no jobs, and no assets". To sweeten the deal, these deposit-free mortgages charged very low "teaser" rates in the early years. The assumption was that as long as most people kept up with the repayments, all would be well. "Instead of following rule not to make loans to people who couldn't repay them, applied a more complicated one: make as many loans as you can, no matter how risky, but just keep them off your books" (page 23). Using financial alchemy, these risky loans were transformed into solid "AAA" securities. The details of this process are rather complicated, and the author does a reasonable job of explaining the various instruments created: mortgages were pooled into mortgaged-backed securities (MBS), which were repackaged as collateralised debt obligations (CDO). As a hedge or insurance for non-payment, credit default swaps (CDS) could be taken out on those CDOs. Ratings agencies were supposed to provide reliable assessments of the riskiness of all these instruments, but it's clear that "AAA" ratings were handed out too freely. It wasn't only rating agencies that failed to understand the true risk and complexity of the instruments. Traders and management of the lenders, investment banks, hedge funds and insurers barely understood the Rube Goldberg-like contraption they were part of, and appeared to underestimate the potential impact if it all fell apart. Throw in inadequate regulation and supervision of the bond market, and the impossible yet inevitable happened in 2008. While the book is at times a bit technical, it is always entertaining. Related videos: * A short interview on the PBS News Hour: <> * A longer interview at UC Berkeley: <> 3. "Imagine: How Creativity Works" by Jonah Lehrer <> Soon after its publication, the author was found to have fabricated quotes, and was involved in self-plagiarism. I still decided to read it, since I'm interested in the subject matter, and the core ideas should (hopefully) hold up. The book uses recent findings in neuroscience and psychology to support anecdotes into imagination and the creative process. Topics include the evolution of Bob Dylan's songwriting, Pixar movies, the development of Post-It Notes, Apple design process and William Shakespeare's playwriting. Several conditions are required for creativity to flourish. Talent and inspiration are not enough: a fair degree of "grit" or determination is more important. Playfulness and curiosity help, along with an openness to new things. Creative "stealing" can spur creativity: Shakespeare borrowed ideas from Italian writers of his time, as well as Roman and Greek mythology. Education can sometimes harm creativity, since some schools hamper playfulness and curiosity. The individual can only do so much, and working with others can take creativity to the next level. Large population centres, or at least high concentrations of creative people in universities and companies, foster greater innovation. Organisations can further encourage cross- pollination of ideas by promoting casual interactions. For example, cafeterias and toilets can be placed in the middle of a building complex, where workers from different departments converge. Clubs also bring together people from differing backgrounds. But one poster child of collaboration, brainstorming, isn't as effective as it's hyped to be. In fact, empirical research has consistently shown that it induces groupthink and actually suppresses potential, making each individual less creative. The author concludes by saying that as our creative problems keep getting more difficult, we need to create a culture that doesn't impede creativity. Overall, an interesting read. The recent controversy does make the reader question the content, but many of the points reinforce or corroborate what I've read elsewhere. Here's a video of the author's RSA talk for the book: <> 4. "The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty" by Carmine Gallo <> This book examines how Apple interacts with its customers, mainly the service provided by Apple's retail stores. It compares and contrasts Apple's customer practices with those of other companies. Apple has deservedly earned high praise for customer service, and the incredible success of its Stores vindicates its approach. Apple only started its stores in 2001, and it didn't take long for them to become the world's most profitable retail operation. A few things stood out while reading the book. First, Apple Store employees don't work on commission. They're expected to listen to needs of customer, and help them walk away happy, even if that means _not_ actually selling them anything, or even down-sell as in this example: < apple-experience-matches-reality.html> Secondly, Apple gives its staff discretion to break rules. This goes beyond simply exchanging slightly out-of-warranty items. In one example, a store was opened early to make a young girl's dream come true: < and-makes-10-year-old-girls-dreams-come-true/> Thirdly, the Stores reinforce the usefulness of their products by using iPod touches as mobile point-of-sale devices, rather than traditional cash registers: < apples_new_ipod_touch_based_easypay_checkout.html> Many of the practices seem like common sense, making you wonder why every retailer doesn't do the same. Cynics will charge that this is a book written by an Apple fanboy, but perhaps if they read this book, they'll understand why Apple really does have such a positive standing. Here's a slideshow prepared by the author, outlining the main points of the book: < building-insanely-great-customer-loyalty-carmine-gallo> 5. "Up a Tree at Night in the Park with a Hedgehog" by P. Robert Smith <> This is a short comical novel by a rookie author. Benton (Ben) is a philosophy graduate, teaching English to foreign students. He recently lost his fiancee to an unfortunate accident on the eve of their wedding. It doesn't take long to see that this 36 year old is very immature and has questionable morals. He quickly finding a new girlfriend, and then proceeding to cheat on her with one of his young students. The supporting characters are sometimes amusing, but aren't fleshed-out enough for my liking. The author tries (too hard?) to shock the reader, breaking as many taboos as possible within the first few chapters. The story is told as a series of related vignettes, with quick and humorous segues between them, leading eventually to the scene described in the title. The ending is a bit ambiguous and unsatisfying. I was hooked by the title, expecting a fun, quirky story. It didn't quite work for me, but at least it was brief. ~~~~ Some more notes about Stoicism. * Started by the Ancient Greeks and refined by the Romans. * Early Stoics taught that "destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment". * Later Stoics, such as Seneca and Epictetus, emphasised that "virtue is sufficient for happiness". * Epictetus: "Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of men's desires, but by the removal of desire". * Marcus Aurelius: "Get rid of the judgment, get rid of the 'I am hurt,' you are rid of the hurt itself". * Seneca: "Let Nature deal with matter, which is her own, as she pleases; let us be cheerful and brave in the face of everything, reflecting that it is nothing of our own that perishes". See: <>
Monday, January 14, 2013
Posted by Bruno at 11:54am
Labels: book reviews