Today is Leap Day 2004, so I decided to do something unusual and send a B-List post on a Sunday. 1. Some Leap Day info and stories: <> <> 2. Microsoft seems to have a Matrix-fixation lately: * "Microsoft considering update dubbed 'XP Reloaded'" <> * "Bill Gates in Matrix spoof" <> 3. February Postings Reprised [Bashing Bush #349] * "Bush unveils $2.4 trillion fiscal 2005 budget" < &contentId=A5130-2004Feb2> Projected deficit: $521 billion (about A$677 billion) [Yes, but is it Art?] * "Controversial exhibition focuses on pain" <> [Unusual Laws, Rules and Regulations] * "Italian town sets down pet-pampering laws" <> [Bizarre Eating Habits] * "Man swallowed 120 coins after drunken bet" <> * "Man eats own toes" <>
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Posted by Bruno at 7:45pm