Thursday, June 17, 2004

The Things We Do For Love

Today's post is NOT inspired by the insipid 10CC song of the same name.  However
it may be partially inspired by watching a bit too much of "The Bold and the
Beautiful" on my days off work.  Ridge loves Brooke so much he arranges to have
their marriage annulled so that she can marry his half-brother (Nick), whose
child she "may" be carrying.

1. "Australian travels halfway around the world to collect wife's wedding dress"

2. "Lovesick waiter chops off finger"
"A lovelorn 21-year-old waiter chopped off three of his fingers outside his
 ex-girlfriend's house in China to try to win her back"

3. "Chinese Romeo writes 300,000-word love letter"
"A lovesick Chinese man is to apply for a place in the Guinness Book of World
 Records after writing a 300,000 word love letter to his Russian girlfriend"

5. "Swedish police help Romeo find his Juliet"
"The starry-eyed Italian was so infatuated with a 17-year-old Swedish girl he
 met in the United States earlier this summer that he left Milan to hitchhike
 the 2000 kilometres to the Stockholm suburb of Taeby"

6. "Egyptian newlywed commits crime to join beloved in jail"
"An Egyptian newlywed bought drugs in a last but failed bid to share the same
 cell as her husband who had been sentenced to six years in prison for drug

7. "Jilted man gives cash away for lost love"

8. "Man offers car and savings to get ex back"

9. "PA man robs bank ... He wanted to buy fiancé a car"
"Police say a Columbia County man robbed a bank of nearly eight-thousand dollars
 yesterday so he could buy a car for his fiancee"

10. "The bride who stole her wedding"
"[She] stole her $1450 dress, a black suit, cutlery, wine glasses, candle holders
 and most of her other wedding paraphernalia"

11. "Woman marries a month after being stabbed by husband"
"A Warwickshire woman married a man just a month after he stabbed her for having
 pre-wedding jitters"

12. "Bride threatens self-immolation if groom not arrested"
"An Indian bride has threatened to set herself on fire if police don't arrest her
 reluctant groom"


10cc lyrics: "The Things We Do For Love"