Sunday, September 16, 2012

Recent Feeds + Reads (a new blog)

Despite appearances, the B-List used to be more than just a place to
post my book reviews. Originally, it was a medium for sending links
to interesting things that I found on the web. For the nostalgic,
the B-List blog (from 2003 to the present) is at:

Even earlier posts can be found in the B-List Archive (from 2000 to

Lately, I've been thinking about reviving the old-style B-List. Over
the past few months, I've sort of been riffing on the original B-List
concept, posting a lot to a tumblr blog, called "Recent Feeds + Reads":

On rfar I usually highlight (and sometimes comment on) articles that
have caught my eye. These days, there is a distinct bias towards
several topics, including: psychology, neuroscience, music, books
(what a surprise!), economics, philosophy, creativity, coffee, gaming
and programming.

I've decided not to repost those items to the B-List, since I often
post several items per day and I wouldn't want to spam you. If you're
interested in the type of stuff I post there, I suggest you visit whenever you need a fix. Alternatively, you can
subscribe to the rss feed:

As for the B-List, I still plan to post book reviews here. I also
have a (long) backlog of musical rough guides I hope to get to one

Thanks for reading, and I always appreciate feedback.