1. "Geek Clock" <http://www.likecool.com/Geek_Clock--Clock--Home.html> 2. "Cool Toys for Nerds, Ages 8 to 80" <http://www.wired.com/reviews/product/pr_wishlist_innerchild> 3. Looking for a new mouse? 18 buttons or none? * OOMouse <http://openofficemouse.com/pr110609.html> "the first multi-button application mouse designed for a wide variety of software applications... With a revolutionary and patented design featuring 18 buttons" * Apple Magic Mouse <http://www.apple.com/magicmouse/> Instead of ordinary buttons, it features a Multi-Touch surface that recognises taps and other gestures. 4. "Remote Control Bowling Ball" <http://www.bowlingball.com/900-global-remote-control-ball-bowling- ball.html> 5. "Vase Clock tells time by tapping porcelain surface with wooden hammer" <http://www.thedesignblog.org/entry/vase-clock-tells-time-by-tapping- porcelain-surface-with-wooden-hammer/> 6. "Electrolux Silent Vacuum concept has iPod dock" <http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20091210/electrolux-silent-vacuum- concept-ipod-dock/> 7. OS-styled Calculators <http://www.mintpass.com/select/select_detail.asp?Page=1&idx=117> More concepts at: <http://www.mintpass.com/select/select.asp>
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Posted by Bruno at 4:16pm