1. "Thousands to join Critical Mass bicycle ride in Budapest on Sunday" <http://www.budapesttimes.hu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view& id=7031&Itemid=27> "Budapest will host a wide range of environmental programmes to mark Earth Day this weekend, and thousands of cyclists are expected to participate in a ride to promote safe cycling." 2. "The Incredibly Strong See-Through Bicycle" <http://discovermagazine.com/2008/feb/06-see-through-bike> "[T]he typical solid-cylinder tubing has been replaced by an airy, see-through lattice woven from a carbon-fiber composite and bundled in Kevlar string." 3. "A-bike" <http://www.a-bike.co.uk/> "So named, because of its 'A' like shape in use, the uniquely styled A-bike feels much like a normal bike to ride. However unlike other folding bikes it can easily be slipped into a bag while you hop on the tube, train, bus, or even a plane." 4. "Newcomer takes title in penny farthing championship" <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/02/23/2170770.htm> "The town of Evandale in northern Tasmania has stepped back in time for the running of the prestigious national penny farthing championship." 5. "Underwater bike ride to launch students' eight-week crime spree" <http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1425731,00.html> "[A] couple of students from Cornwall are intent on making American criminal history by spending their summer breaking as many US laws as possible."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Posted by Bruno at 7:17pm