Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Disorder in the Court

1. "Judge ticked off, even if he wasn't flipped off"

2. "Man found guilty after mooning jury"

3. "Drug defendant spits at prosecutor in court"

4. "Indian lawyer lands in jail after hurling shoe at magistrate"

5. "Man jailed after arguing with judge"

6. "Trial adjourned after defendants turn up drunk"

7. "Man whose lawyer snoozed pleads guilty"

8. "This is the law ... hello!"
"Indian judges hoping to make an example of a man by jailing him for not switching off
 his mobile telephone in court got a rude awakening when a policeman's cellphone rang
 just as they meted out the punishment"

9. "Ga. Courthouse Attack Injures 4 People"

10. "Judge joins disorder in the court (Judge kicks crazed defendant's butt)"
I don't agree with the views expressed in this "Conservative News Forum" but they did
something useful by archiving this article from the Chicago Sun-Times.