The simple act of unpacking new gadgets is to some people almost like a ceremony, worthy of documenting photographically. [If long links don't work, try copying the full link to your browser, or click on the links at <http://localhost:4000> ] 1. "Why Do People Post Gadget 'Unboxing' Photos on the Web?" < gadget-unboxing-photos-web> "In today's gadget blogosphere, there are few if any new products that aren't upon release subjected to an immediate 'unboxing'--a thorough and, some may say, pathologically obsessive series of photographs documenting exactly what is implied by the name: taking a shiny new object out of its multiple layers of packaging, step by exhaustive step." 2. An Unboxing Blog <> 3. Flickr: items with the tag "unboxing" <> Featuring the Apple //c unboxing: <> 4. "Opening the Windows Vista box" < a0bf-9ccc6d7e62a21033.mspx> Microsoft, maybe feeling a little left out, has its own take on the phenomenon. They made it so hard to open the Vista box that they have a support page on their site with photos on how to do it.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Posted by Bruno at 3:40pm