Some blasts from the past, the Renaissance to be more precise... 1. "Five Centuries of Board Games" <> 2. "A Big Map That Shrank the World" <> "Created by a visiting Italian-born Jesuit priest, Matteo Ricci, and apparently commissioned by the court of Emperor Wanli in 1602 — the year after Ricci became the first Westerner admitted to Peking and then the Forbidden City — this map is indeed partly a tribute to the land in which Ricci had lived since 1582, and in which he would die in 1610." 3. "The Medici Meltdown" < oped-cx_ms_1031simonetta.html> "In these times of financial woe, some journalists have been timidly exploring the past for precedents, pushing the horizon as far as the 1929 Great Depression. Very few have looked beyond that traumatic event, assuming that capitalism in its current form has no earlier historical roots." 4. "Leonardo da Vinci's Resume" < resume.html> "Before he was famous, before he painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, before he invented the helicopter, before he drew the most famous image of man, before he was all of these things, Leonardo da Vinci was an artificer, an armorer, a maker of things that go 'boom'" 5. "Student finds art treasure in old couch" <> "A Berlin student who bought a second-hand sofa bed at a flea market learned she had been sitting on a small fortune when she found a 17th century baroque painting hidden inside the couch."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Posted by Bruno at 4:48pm