So far this year I've been reading less fiction, and reading more books that come under the general category of "popular science". Here are reviews of some books that can be loosely connected by concepts from statistics and data analysis. If I had to recommend just one of these books, it would be "Fooled by Randomness". 1. "Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell <> This book is by the same author who wrote "The Tipping Point" (which I thought was pretty good) and "Blink" (which I didn't think was as convincing). This time Gladwell is looking at "outliers": a term used to describe "things or phenomena that lie outside normal experience". In particular, the book looks at why certain people and not others have become successful. A Wikipedia article provides a good overview and analysis of the book: <> Here's a summary of the first part of the book (from page 175): "success arises out of the steady application of advantages: when and where you are born, what your parents did for a living, and what the circumstances of your upbringing were, all make a significant difference in how well you do in the world." Luck can be a big factor. The author then goes on to introduce part two: "Traditions and attitudes we inherit from our forbears can play the same role - i.e. cultural legacy counts too!" By looking at the varying fortunes of highly intelligent people, the author concludes that the IQ is not necessarily a factor in determining success. More important, it seems, is a degree of persistence. A "10,000-hour rule" is proposed, which indicates how much time of practice is required before mastery can be achieved and exploited. Examples given include musicians, sports stars and entrepreneurs. Overall, I found it an interesting read. However, critics argue that the author may be oversimplifying things, and that not a lot of statistical data is provided to support the conclusions. After all, this is a book, and not a rigourous scientific paper subject to peer review. Also, be aware that some of the arguments and conclusions are not always politically-correct. 2. "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson <> Traditionally, retailers have relied on selling large numbers of a few items - the big hits - to maximise profits. Slower-moving items take up space and so are not as cost-effective: distribution limitations, storage costs, limited promotion/lack of information about availability. In this book, the author argues that niches can pay well. The internet and e-commerce have overcome the "80/20 rule" in retail: 20% of products account for 80% of sales. Amazon (and others) have shown the tail is much longer, and that there is money to be made in selling even just low quantities of many more items. For a more detailed overview, read through the following Wikipedia article: <> Here are a couple of quotes: * "The era of the big hit is over, thanks to: digital distribution or no/low storage costs; easy to find products via search and recommendations." (pages 134/135). * "The secret to creating a thriving Long Tail business can be summarised by two imperatives: 1. Make everything available; 2. Help me find it" (page 217). A list of nine rules to achieve these imperatives are provided. I've seen the book described as "visionary", but I wouldn't describe it that way. Most of the book describes recent internet-era success stories (e.g. Amazon, iTunes, Netflix, eBay, Google). So it's not so much predicting what _will_ happen, as explaining what _has_ happened and why. Ken McCarthy, as mentioned in the Wikipedia article, arguably did predict the "Long Tail" phenomenon for Internet commerce in 1994. One nitpick I have with the book is with the concept of the "Economics of Abundance". The suggestion is that "normal" economics, based on scarcity of resources and goods, is soon to be displaced. There are some products that appear "abundant", thanks to digitisation: once a song or book is in digital form, it is theoretically possible to distribute it to an infinite number of consumers. But not all goods are "information" goods - you can't eat "digital" food. And don't expect a Star Trek-style "replicator" any time soon. So the Economics of Scarcity will still be relevant for a while yet. Even computers (and replicators) need power, and that isn't so "abundant". There's an interesting piece on this debate, entitled "What Happens When the Economics of Scarcity Meets the Economics of Abundance?" at: <> Also, the term "Economics of Abundance" is technically an oxymoron, since "economics" is defined as "the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses." I don't want to come across as too negative of the book. It's an interesting read, with valuable suggestions for people wanting to set up businesses for the new digital economy. It basically restates how, by removing friction, markets can trade (some) goods more easily and therefore at lower cost. But it's not as helpful for service-based industries, for example, where the scarcity of time limits the number of clients one can have. 3. "Fooled by Randomness" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb <> This is perhaps my pick of the books, and arguably the most timely. Taleb is a former derivatives trader turned philosopher. According to his website, his "major hobby is teasing people who take themselves and the quality of their knowledge too seriously and those who don’t have the courage to sometimes say: I don't know...." A very brief summary of the book is provided by Wikipedia: <> Basically, the author argues that we overestimate causality and tend to view the world as more explainable than it really is. We mistake noise for signal, and this can lead to disastrous decisions. Randomness plays a bigger part in our lives than we like to admit. Most of the anecdotes and examples in the book come from the author's past career in financial markets. Quantitative analysts (quants) apply sophisticated maths to investments, believing the models "tame" randomness. Even when risk is take into account, sometimes the full extent of the consequences aren't: it's not just the simple probability that counts, but rather the probability weighted by the extent of the consequence. Some quants don't even factor in certain outcomes, because "they've never happened before". The author argues that this is a manifestation of the "Black Swan" theory or "rare event" problem in induction. In the 18th Century, David Hume wrote: "No amount of observations of white swans can allow the inference that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion." As it happened, black swans were encountered by Westerners for the first time in Australia later that Century. Recent financial catastrophes (things that "have never happened before") seem to vindicate the author's central argument. Investment banks and traders can ride their luck for a while, but unless they've taken adequate precautions, they can eventually become undone or "blow up" - they will see their own "black swans". The author does ramble a fair bit, going off on tangents and getting rather philosophical at times. But this actually makes the book less dry and more enjoyable. It's also a bit scary reading about how the people that are entrusted with looking after our money seem to be either unaware of, or fail to properly manage, all the risks involved. Or maybe the greed is just too tempting? Obviously, the author riding a wave of popularity at the moment. Here's a recent interview for the Sunday Times (UK): "Nassim Nicholas Taleb: the prophet of boom and doom": < article4022091.ece?print=yes> In 2006 Taleb wrote a followup book that looks more deeply into the black swan theory, appropriately enough entitled "The Black Swan". [If long links don't work, try copying the full link to your browser, or click on the links at <http://localhost:4000> ]
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Posted by Bruno at 6:15pm
Labels: book reviews