1. "Art That Speaks Volumes: 12 More Book Artists" <http://weburbanist.com/2011/06/27/art-that-speaks-volumes-12-more- book-artists/> Artists using old books to make new art. See also: "Literary Love: 12 Works of Book Art & Architecture" <http://weburbanist.com/2011/03/07/literary-love-12-works-of-book- art-architecture/> 2. "ART ~ Map Illustrations" <http://ingriddabringer.wordpress.com/map-illustrations/> 3. "Selected ~ 2011" <http://anothersight.com/Selected/gallery.html?Submit=Selected> Famous works of art with their subjects 'cut out'. 4. "Art from Coins" <http://staceyleewebber.com/STACEY_LEE_WEBBER/HOME.html> 5. "The Coolest Locksmith Shop in New York City" <http://www.scoutingny.com/?p=3534> 6. "Micromachina" <http://www.behance.net/gallery/MICROMACHINA/1022673> Models of mechanised insects. 7. "DRAWINGMACHINE" <http://www.eskerex.com/?p=464> Draws patterns using a pen connected to a couple of large swinging weights (aka pendula). 8. "positioning systems I - falling objects" <http://vimeo.com/24491037> 441 water drops arranged on omniphobic material. 9. "Amazing Long Exposure Roomba Photography" <http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/amazing-long-exposureeee-roomba- photography> The illuminated trails of robot vacuum cleaners.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Posted by Bruno at 3:12pm