1. "Online Communities 2" <http://xkcd.com/802/> 2. "Creative Examples Of Infographics" <http://www.noupe.com/how-tos/creative-examples-of-infographics.html> "Data visualization techniques have been often used in modern maps to incorporate variety of information, for instance for network designs, destination points, and local landmarks." 3. "Information is beautiful: 30 examples of creative infography" <http://www.designer-daily.com/information-is-beautiful-30-examples- of-creative-infography-5538> "The perfect infography must synthetize complex information in a simple visual representation, which is not easy. The following examples take information architecture to another level by making it beautiful." 4. "The Rise of The Tower Graphic" <http://www.maxgadney.com/2010/10/the-rise-of-the-tower-graphic-and- video-thanks-to-tom-pearson.html> "Typically taking up several screen-depths, they are rarely structured, with the exception of a unifying subject and background colour and typically stylish 'style-guide'." 5. "Victorian Infographics" <http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2009/12/victorian-infographics.html> (as in, from the time of Queen Victoria)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Posted by Bruno at 5:32pm