Monday, July 19, 2004

Money For Nothing - Error In Your Favour

1. "Oops-Bank hands woman $48.7 million check"
"A Florida woman thought she was getting a certified check for $85 but her
 bank mistakenly made it out for more than $48.7 million"

2. "Bank error only buys trouble"
"As a result of keystroke blunder at a Grand Rapids bank, Harris was
 accidentally credited with an extra $60,000 when he deposited $487.04"
"Harris is on trial in federal court in Kalamazoo. Prosecutors accuse him
 of taking advantage of the mistake, burning through $51,000 in one day"

3. "Couple spent £24,550 in six days"
"A council will fight to retrieve £24,550 it accidentally deposited into a
 couple's bank account"

4. "Job centre pays out millions to unemployed woman"
"The office mistakenly transferred £246 million instead of £24 into her
 bank account"

5. "Woman says taxman won't stop giving her money"
"The Inland Revenue wants to pay a woman over £5,000 in Family Tax Credit
 back-pay, even though she doesn't have children"

6. "Cash machine gives out free cash"
"Hundreds of shoppers cashed in when a hole-in-the-wall gave out £20 notes
 instead of tenners"

7. "Casino tries to fix $1.4 million mistake  [free registration]"
"The Sands has sued the Palo Alto man for keeping more than $1.4 million the
 casino says it wired to him by mistake"

8. "Melbourne Cup punter wins $2.6m in trifecta error"
"A punter collected $2.6 million after a TAB operator incorrectly entered
 his trifecta bet on the Melbourne Cup"